Thursday, 29 May 2014


I took the Japanese animated fantasy film ‘Spirited away’ and designed a new character for one of the bathhouse’s customer(spirit) for a 2d gaming. I created the character based on the ‘No-name’ because he is the most retained and unique character in the film. In the film, when ‘No-name’ swallows a frog worker. His figure turns similar to the frog. I decide to create another ‘No-name’ who swallows the Japanese phoenix and Kirin, and then become a head of ‘No-names’ also being a customer of the bathhouse. Kirin is a mythical creature known in various East Asian cultures. My final character’s horn and ears represent Kirin, and rests of it represent the phoenix. The reason why I chose the final design for the final, from the feedback people said it’s fit to the concept of the animation which is not too much and simple because other designs looks like the character for the war animation or Nania, Spirited Away is like a bit creepy but cute at the same time. I chose colour for to relate to the “no-name’ character in the actual film which is black. Actually I was going to do with the 3D character but I’ve been thought about it and come up with the thought that 2D will be better because the animation is 2D so 2D character will be the more suitable. Therefore I decided to chage to 2D-Gaming.  

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